Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What Is A True Jewish Leader? - YJ Draiman

Golda Meir on War
What Is A True Jewish Leader?

The Torah (The Old Testament - Jewish Bible) clearly expresses the true character traits necessary for leaders of the nation. It is not great rhetorical skills that helps a person succeed in leading "The Nation of Israel". The gift of self-expression is not a necessary component in the skill set of national leaders.

A Jewish leader is one who is meant to represent the nation as a whole, externally and internally. Expressive ability is no more than an impressive external trait that occasionally has the power to cover an internal void. That is not what sets apart the leader of the Jewish nation. A Jewish leader must have the ability to withstand external pressures and protect his people and the Jewish nation at all times.

The Jewish nation that appeared on the stage of history thousands of years ago did not begin as a nation with an impressive external appearance. On the contrary for long periods the Jewish people lacked military and political capabilities. However, since its inception, the Jewish nation has represented a huge world of moral, ethical and just values. Values which the entire world learned, some more and some less, and spread to cultures everywhere throughout the world .

A leader of the Jewish nation is not meant to stand out as having an impressive external appearance but, rather, a significant internal appearance that also expresses the special characteristics of Jewish culture and humility. Moses (Moshe in Hebrew) was “heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue” yet he led the Jewish people out of Egypt following hundreds of years of slavery and oppression. Moses was the one who led the Jewish people during their exodus from Egypt and were attacked by various nations. Hence, the Jewish people had to learn how to defend themselves and thus, with the help of the almighty were victorious. The Jewish nation’s first leader Moses signaled to us by example with his presence and leadership, the correct path and the worthy considerations which should guide us as we choose our nation’s leadership.

A true leader of 
Israel has to lead from a platform of absolute faith. He cannot be a politician, only. He has to embrace the history of the Jewish people and Israel. A leader of the Jewish nation has to understand what the Jewish people had to endure for thousands of years and still endure today to survive.

A true leader must act from a foundation of humility and perseverance. Understanding the welfare of 
Israel and the Jewish people should be the foremost reason before any action is taken. The leader must lead by action and example -- not by rhetoric.

A faithful Jewish leader must be one who will not compromise Jewish values.

A true leader has to have a vision, fortitude and determination to overcome internal and external obstacles!

A true leader must stand relentlessly behind the defenders and supporters of 

Every rock tells another story of Jewish History.


  1. http://arabpalestinianisraelconflict.blogspot.com/2015/07/israels-rights-to-land-is-ingrained-in.html

  2. “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore”

    How many Jewish lives have to be lost before the Israeli government takes a decisive action, no holds barred and zero tolerance? Death to the terrorists and no restraint to terror and violence. A terrorist is a terrorist; the age of the terrorist does not mitigate an act of terrorism, or the consequences thereof. Israel must execute mandatory eviction and demolition of homes, confiscation of property to compensate for the damage and barring Arabs in those areas. Let the Arabs know that if this terror and violence continues, the price will be high and non-negotiable. Stop talking; let’s see some serious action on the ground. This situation is spiraling out of control and the government and its security forces are deliberating and hesitating to take forceful and uncompromising actions. The Israeli government must consider first and foremost the safety and security of its people and not the biased world nations, who throughout history stood idle while Jews were killed, tortured, terrorized and persecuted. Israeli people are trained soldiers; they know how to defend themselves. If the government is not able to stop this wave of terror, it is the Job of the Israelis to defend themselves. This is not Nazi Germany; this is Israel, our own historical land with our own government and a strong defense force, use it and stop the ghetto mentality. Death to the terrorists, nothing less will suffice. May the lord support you in defending yourselves, but G-d helps those who help themselves. Israel must take a strong initiative once and for all.
    YJ Draiman

    Israel should give a 90 day notice the UN and the world at large that it intends to exercise its historical and international rights under the international law and treaties post WWI which are still in effect and have not been superseded. Under those treaties all of Palestine is in effect belongs to Israel. Israel will no longer tolerate the deceptive term of occupation by Israel; it is internationally guaranteed Jewish land liberated by Israel. It is the Arabs who are the occupiers.
    YJ Draiman

  3. According to International law and treaties of post WWI, which allocated over 5 million square miles of territory to the Arabs and the 75,000 square miles of Palestine to the Jewish people, Jordan and Gaza is part of Israel, since they were part of Palestine. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the president of Egypt stated that he would give land in the Sinai with ocean front for the Arab Palestinians. Whether Jordan likes it or not over 70% of its population is Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.
    (The UN has violated the law and the Charter of the UN by allocating Jewish territory under international law and treaties to Jordan. The UN Partition of Israel was also a violation of the UN Charter. Israel accepted, but the Arabs rejected the partition, that makes the UN partition recommendation of 1947 mute and meaningless.
    Israel was reconstituted in 1920 by International law and treaties, including the 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement. Israel took over sovereign control on May 14, 1947 after the British abandoned their obligation and the Jewish people became a majority in the land).
    People must remember that the Arab countries have terrorized, persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets, including over 120,000 square km. of land valued in the trillions of dollars, and most of those expelled Jewish families were resettled in Greater Israel. The Arabs expelled the million Jewish families from their Arab countries (after living there for over 2400 years, a thousand years before Islam was created), the million expelled Jewish families from Arab countries were resettled in Israel and now they want to expel them again from their own historical ancestral land.
    Let the Arabs from Israel relocate to the Jewish homes and land confiscated by the Arab countries.

    YJ Draiman

  4. Israel has faced over 22,980 terror attacks since September 2000, when a wave of terror started against Israeli citizen’s right after Arafat was offered an independent Palestinian state.

    To date Israel's concessions and appeasement to the Arabs has decreased the safety and security of Israel's population. It is time to change direction and not worry about world opinion. Do not wait for the world at large to condemn these terrorist attacks, they did not care in the past when Jewish blood was spilled and they do not care now. The security and safety of the people of Israel must be first and foremost above any other consideration. That is the duty and obligation of a responsible government. Deliberating at time of National crisis without a previous set plan borders on dereliction of duty, based on Israel’s experience with terror, they should know better. Meanwhile, Israelis are being killed and injured on a daily basis throughout Israel, the people in Israel feel unsafe and the economy is suffering. Get your act together, forcefully with no compromise, now it has to be Israel's way or the highway. Any delay will increase terror and violence and escalate the death and injury of Jewish lives in Israel. Israel must face the facts. The Arabs do not want peace, they want the destruction of Israel, act accordingly with no illusion and fantasy that the Arabs are partners for peace – they are not.
    YJ Draiman

    No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel –
    David Ben Gurion
    (David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State’s main founder).
    “No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power nor competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right.”
    at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at Zurich (1937)
    “No country in the world exists today by virtue of its ‘right’.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction.”


  5. Sovereignty with no safety and security is hollow

    The State of Israel must always keep in mind its own sovereign obligations and be careful not to risk its capacity to perform the vital task of defending itself, its people, and its interests. Israel even under the most adverse conditions, it shall not capitulate to world pressure whereby its citizen’s safety and security is compromised.

    Israel has faced over 22,980 terror attacks since September 2000, when a wave of terror started against Israeli citizen’s right after Arafat was offered an independent Palestinian state.

    To date Israel's concessions and appeasement to the Arabs has decreased the safety and security of Israel's population. It is time to change direction and not worry about world opinion. Do not wait for the world at large to condemn these terrorist attacks, they did not care in the past when Jewish blood was spilled and they do not care now. The security and safety of the people of Israel must be first and foremost above any other consideration. That is the duty and obligation of a responsible government. Deliberating at time of National crisis without a previous set plan borders on dereliction of duty, based on Israel's experience with terror, they should know better. Meanwhile, Israelis are being killed and injured on a daily basis throughout Israel, the people in Israel feel unsafe and the economy is suffering. Get your act together, act immediately and forcefully with no compromise, now the only way to restore order, it has to be Israel's way or the highway. Any delay in implementation will increase terror and violence and escalate the death and injury of Jewish lives in Israel. Israel must face the bold facts. The Arabs do not want peace, they never did, they only want the destruction of Israel, Israel must act accordingly with no illusion and fantasy or false promises that the Arabs are partners for peace, it is perfectly clear that they are not.
    The Arabs educate and train their children to commit terror and violence, celebrate and glorify suicide bombers, Need I say anymore. Stop bickering among yourselves, unify, and face the enemy with vigor and determination and do not stop until the enemy is totally vanquished and peace and tranquility returns to Israel.
    YJ Draiman

  6. The Arab-Palestinians self-proclaimed terror campaign of knife attacks on Israeli’s, is the latest result of ongoing incitement against Israelis. Yet the world is silent, no objections and no comments. Arab-Palestinian incitement to terror and violence must be stopped with harsh and unrelenting response by Israeli security forces. The Terror and violence must end. Israelis are being stabbed, shot, run-over, stoned, etc.
    It is time to apply all the resources with no holds barred and zero tolerance and no restraint whatsoever.

    The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court reaffirmed earlier this month that it is legal for Jews (and, therefore, Christians) to pray atop the Temple Mount, despite violent Muslim opposition.

    That legal clarification came as part of a decision in the case of activist Yehudah Glick, who sued the Israel Police for banning him from the Temple Mount for a period of two years after he was filmed quietly uttering prayers while visiting the holy site in 2011.

    Glick, who survived a recent assassination attempt by a Muslim terrorist, charged the police with failing to uphold Israel’s laws regarding freedom of religious expression.

    Israel’s Supreme Court had previously ruled that Jews do in fact have the right to pray in any and every place, as do adherents of all faiths, but that police could take measures to avoid violent Muslim backlashes atop the Temple Mount.

    The Jerusalem court determined that the police had gone too far in its handling of Glick and other activists, and had crossed the line by impinging on Jews’ basic human rights.

    Glick was awarded nearly USD $150,000 in damages. His lawyer further told The Jerusalem Post that the ruling meant that “starting from today, all Jews are allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. There is no longer any crime in prayer itself.”

    Still, many remained skeptical; That non-Muslims would now be permitted to openly pray and worship atop the Temple Mount, especially after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year assured the Muslim world that Israel would maintain the status quo there. Which does not restrict non-Muslim from praying on Temple Mount.
    As stated below in Article 9

    Treaty of Peace Between The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    And The State of Israel October 26, 1994

    Article 9 - Places of Historical and Religious Significance and Interfaith Relations
    1. Each Party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
    2. In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.
    3. The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

  7. It is about time that Israel stood its ground against the hostility and criticism from all the world governments and do what is right.
    Defend its citizens at all costs, no matter what the world thinks.
    If the current Israeli government cannot do it and keeps appeasing the Arabs and the world at the expense of its citizens. Israelis must replace the government.
    Enough is enough. Stop capitulating to unjust and unwarranted pressure.
    The world has throughout history stood by while Jews were slaughtered.
    It is up to us Jews to Unite and protect ourselves, just like in the time of King David.
    Long live Israel.

    YJ Draiman

    Shimon Peres is delusional as usual. He is the cause of many Israeli deaths.
    Abbas is a convicted Murderer with a life sentence.
    You cannot make peace with a Arab enemy that continually indoctrinate its children and adults to commit terror and violence against Israel. This has been going on for 3 generations.
    It is the duty and obligation for the government of Israel to defend its people at all costs. No rest for the wicked.
    It is time to clean house, get down to business with no restraints whatsoever and defend the people in Israel al all costs, no holds barred and zero tolerance.
    The policy of appeasement and concessions is costing Jewish lives on a daily basis. The safety and security of the people in Israel must be the foremost priority and not world opinion. They never cared when 6 million Jews were exterminated by the Nazis, they never cared when the Arab countries terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets. The world at large is continually and falsely blaming Israel for defending herself, they deceive the world with intentional false information about Israel. It is time to ignore those who distort reality and defend the people in Israel.
    YJ Draiman

  8. Jerusalem the Eternal Capital of the Jewish People
    The Jews have only Jerusalem, and only the Jews have made it their capital.
    That is why it has so much deeper a meaning for them (the Jews) than for anybody else.
    Jerusalem throughout its long and turbulent history, Jerusalem, more than any other city, has evoked the emotions, aspirations, yearnings and religious fervor of civilized Jewish mankind. Yet this homage of the world cannot overshadow the consuming and single-minded passion of one particular attachment: that of the Jewish people. For that people, as no other, Jerusalem is not just its one and only religious centre and source of spiritual life; from time immemorial it has been and, still is, the very heart and core of the people – the tangible embodiment of its nationhood, the lodestar in its wanderings, the theme of its prayers each day, the fulfillment of its dreams for the Return unto Zion and indeed the cornerstone of its continuity.
    Many thousand of years ago, it was in Jerusalem that the priests would offer up daily sacrifices in the Temple on Mount Moriah. It was there in the Temple that the Sanhedrin, the great court of 71 Jewish sages, would sit in judgment. And three times a year on the harvest holy-days of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles, the entire Jewish nation would make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is in the direction of Jerusalem that Jews face when they pray three times daily.
    The Jewish prayers themselves contain numerous references to Jerusalem and Zion. In the Amidah, the Silent Devotion, God is praised as the Builder of Jerusalem. In many other places the prayers echo the messianic belief that God will restore the Jewish people to His holy city. On Passover and the Day of Atonement Jews conclude services with the fervent hope: “Next year may we be in Jerusalem!”
    The Jewish connection to Jerusalem harks back to Biblical times. Jacob, encountering the site where the Temple would stand centuries later said: “How awe-inspiring is this place! It is the House of God! It is the gate to heaven!” (Gen. 28:17). Jerusalem was “the site that the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes, as a place established in His name. It is there that you shall go to seek His presence” (Deut. 12:3).
    Jerusalem began to fulfill the function of a spiritual and national capital when King David conquered the city in the 10th century BCE. He made it his seat of judgment and brought the Ark of the Covenant to rest there. It was also David who conceived the idea of building a permanent house of God, a Temple, a plan eventually fulfilled by his son Solomon. DESTRUCTION & REBIRTH The story of the Jewish people and Jerusalem has been one of exile, destruction and rebirth.
    Jerusalem in its 3000 years of history the city was destroyed 17 times and 18 times reborn.
    There always remained a Jewish presence in the city of Jerusalem, and the Jewish people as a whole always dreamt of returning en mass to Jerusalem and rebuilding their city.

  9. When the Babylonians destroyed the city in 586 BCE, the Jewish exiles pledged that they would never forget their beloved Jerusalem: “By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, and we wept, when we remembered Zion. Upon the willows in its midst we hanged up our harps. For there they that led us captive asked of us words of song, and our tormentors asked of us in mirth: ‘Sing us one of the songs of Zion.’ How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy” (Psalms 137:1-6).
    The Jewish exiles did not forget their beloved city of Jerusalem. They were to return there and rebuild the Temple under the guidance of Ezra and Nehemiah. When the Seleucids took control over the Land of Israel and placed Greek idols in the Temple, the Jewish Maccabees revolted. They succeeded in recapturing Jerusalem and re-dedicating the Temple in 165 BCE.
    The Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 CE. When the Emperor Hadrian began planning to replace it with a shrine to Jupiter, a Jewish revolt known as the Bar Kochba Rebellion broke out.
    For the last 2000 years, on the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av, Jews everywhere have commemorated the destruction of their city and Temple with a 25-hour fast. They sit on low stools in their synagogues and recite Jeremiah’s Lamentations. They recite elegies for the city which is “scorned without her glory”.
    During the periods of exile Jews throughout the world would be linked as they prayed together in their Hebrew tongue all facing in the same direction, maintaining their affinity with their eternal Jerusalem. Today Jerusalem flourishes once again as the heart and soul of Judaism. It boasts a full range of rebuilt and new synagogues, Talmudic academies and institutes of Jewish research. It is home to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel which administers the life cycle events of the nation’s Jewish citizens. All varieties of Judaism are represented there. Nowhere else is the spiritual element of the Jewish people so visible as in this “place that the Lord has chosen”.
    Jerusalem the Jewish NATIONAL CAPITAL; Jerusalem was never the capital city of any of its conquerors.

  10. The Partition Resolution 181 did have one effect. In it the UN General Assembly decided that the Jewish People had the capability of exercising sovereignty. That was one of the two factors needed for its beneficial interest in the trust res of political rights to vest and give the Jewish People, formerly only a cestui que trust, the legal dominion over those rights. In the foregoing opinion I had tracked down statistics that showed the Jews attained a majority population in Palestine west of the Jordan in 1950. Since then I have found a credible source showing that the Jews in Palestine had attained that majority population in 1948 but it was likely that may not have been as yet determined. In any event, Britain had abdicated its mandatory power or legal dominion over the political [national] rights to Palestine west of the Jordan on May 14, to my aging recollection. If it did not think the Jews were capable of exercising sovereignty, the UN would have appointed another “mandatory power” or trustee. Some people may have been mislead by the bogus opinion circulated by the UN in 1979 that had been exposed as bogus by the eminent International Lawyer from Australia, the late Julius Stone in his book Israel and Palestine: Assault on the Law of Nations. After all, the Palestine Mandate was also the basis of sovereignty for Syria, Lebanon, Mesopotamia [Iraq] as well as Palestine. The settlers of the trust were the principal Allied War Powers of WWI that won possession of this territory in a defensive war against Germany joined in by the Ottoman Empire. They had the power to keep it or dispose of it as they thought right. They put it in trust for the Jewish People, not wanting to give the Jews immediate legal dominion over those rights because they were at the time a small minority of the population and would provide an anti-democratic government. What they did was to give them the opportunity to become the majority population by facilitating Jewish [but not Arab] immigration, and by taking counsel not from the 1920 current population, but from the World Zionist Organization. See endnote 42 in the forgoing legal opinion entitled Claims of the Jewish and Arab Peoples under International Law to the Right of Self-Determination in Palestine.

  11. Jerusalem the Eternal Capital of the Jewish People
    The Jews have only Jerusalem, and only the Jews have made it their capital.
    That is why it has so much deeper a meaning for them (the Jews) than for anybody else.
    Jerusalem throughout its long and turbulent history, Jerusalem, more than any other city, has evoked the emotions, aspirations, yearnings and religious fervor of civilized Jewish mankind. Yet this homage of the world cannot overshadow the consuming and single-minded passion of one particular attachment: that of the Jewish people. For that people, as no other, Jerusalem is not just its one and only religious centre and source of spiritual life; from time immemorial it has been and, still is, the very heart and core of the people – the tangible embodiment of its nationhood, the lodestar in its wanderings, the theme of its prayers each day, the fulfillment of its dreams for the Return unto Zion and indeed the cornerstone of its continuity.
    Many thousand of years ago, it was in Jerusalem that the priests would offer up daily sacrifices in the Temple on Mount Moriah. It was there in the Temple that the Sanhedrin, the great court of 71 Jewish sages, would sit in judgment. And three times a year on the harvest holy-days of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles, the entire Jewish nation would make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is in the direction of Jerusalem that Jews face when they pray three times daily.
    The Jewish prayers themselves contain numerous references to Jerusalem and Zion. In the Amidah, the Silent Devotion, God is praised as the Builder of Jerusalem. In many other places the prayers echo the messianic belief that God will restore the Jewish people to His holy city. On Passover and the Day of Atonement Jews conclude services with the fervent hope: “Next year may we be in Jerusalem!”
    The Jewish connection to Jerusalem harks back to Biblical times. Jacob, encountering the site where the Temple would stand centuries later said: “How awe-inspiring is this place! It is the House of God! It is the gate to heaven!” (Gen. 28:17). Jerusalem was “the site that the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes, as a place established in His name. It is there that you shall go to seek His presence” (Deut. 12:3).
    Jerusalem began to fulfill the function of a spiritual and national capital when King David conquered the city in the 10th century BCE. He made it his seat of judgment and brought the Ark of the Covenant to rest there. It was also David who conceived the idea of building a permanent house of God, a Temple, a plan eventually fulfilled by his son Solomon. DESTRUCTION & REBIRTH The story of the Jewish people and Jerusalem has been one of exile, destruction and rebirth.
    Jerusalem in its 3000 years of history the city was destroyed 17 times and 18 times reborn.
    There always remained a Jewish presence in the city of Jerusalem, and the Jewish people as a whole always dreamt of returning en mass to Jerusalem and rebuilding their city.

  12. It is about time that Israel stood its ground against the hostility and criticism from all the world governments and do what is right.
    Defend its citizens at all costs, no matter what the world thinks.
    If the current Israeli government cannot do it and keeps appeasing the Arabs and the world at the expense of its citizens. Israelis must replace the government.
    Enough is enough. Stop capitulating to unjust and unwarranted pressure.
    The world has throughout history stood by while Jews were slaughtered.
    It is up to us Jews to Unite and protect ourselves, just like in the time of King David.
    Long live Israel.

    YJ Draiman

    Shimon Peres is delusional as usual. He is the cause of many Israeli deaths.
    Abbas is a convicted Murderer with a life sentence.
    You cannot make peace with a Arab enemy that continually indoctrinate its children and adults to commit terror and violence against Israel. This has been going on for 3 generations.
    It is the duty and obligation for the government of Israel to defend its people at all costs. No rest for the wicked.
    It is time to clean house, get down to business with no restraints whatsoever and defend the people in Israel al all costs, no holds barred and zero tolerance.
    The policy of appeasement and concessions is costing Jewish lives on a daily basis. The safety and security of the people in Israel must be the foremost priority and not world opinion. They never cared when 6 million Jews were exterminated by the Nazis, they never cared when the Arab countries terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets. The world at large is continually and falsely blaming Israel for defending herself, they deceive the world with intentional false information about Israel. It is time to ignore those who distort reality and defend the people in Israel.
    YJ Draiman

  13. When is the Israeli government stopping in deluding itself that the Arab/Palestinians want peace? It is time to face reality and stop wasting time on a façade in the illusion of peace. The Arabs behavior and actions speak volumes, that they do not want peace. When you teach your children to commit terror and violence, honor terrorists and suicide bombers, these are demonic and destructive people look around the world and the terror and violence they are causing; there is no one to talk to.

    As long as you have Arabs living in Greater Israel, terror and violence will never stop. It is in their blood and in their culture. Just look around in the world and see how terror and violence is promoted in the Muslim countries and in the Muslim communities in Europe and elsewhere. They are killing each other by the tens of thousands. When is the world at large going to wake up and face the harsh reality? That terror and violence must be eliminated at all costs like a cancer or we are doomed to extinction. Death to all terrorists must be applied, no exception. When the Arabs Muslims; are teaching their children from infancy to commit terror and violence. There is no alternative but elimination of the terrorists and those who promote and incite the masses to commit terror and violence. The Arabs have an Arab/Palestinian state in Jordan which is over 80% Arab Palestinians. The territory of Jordan is Jewish territory.

    It is time for Israel to go in with the Army and start taking over Hebron, the second holiest city for Jews. Every terror attack another section of Hebron will be retaken by Israel the rightful owners. Since the 1920’s Hebron has and is a hotbed of terror. It is time to take some serious actions. Arab terror in Hebron against the Jews started in 1517.

    When you the Arabs teach and train your children to hate and commit terror and violence. There is no one to talk to. The only solution is to expel all the Arabs to Jordan which is Jewish territory or to the homes and 75.000 sq. mi. of territory the Arab countries confiscated when they terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families from the Arab countries. Jews who have lived in those Arab countries for over 2500 years and now live in Israel. The Arabs do not belong in Israel. The past has shown that they know only terror and violence. They are killing their own people by the thousands. The Arabs/Muslims killed the Jews in Medina about 1400 years ago, which was a Jewish city going back over 2600 years and took over the city. To date nothing has changed. They want to take over the whole world. Look at what they doing in Syria, Europe and Sweden raping women.
    Yj Draiman

  14. When is the Israeli government stopping in deluding itself that the Arab/Palestinians want peace? It is time to face reality and stop wasting time on a façade in the illusion of peace. The Arabs behavior and actions speak volumes, that they do not want peace. When you teach your children to commit terror and violence, honor terrorists and suicide bombers, these are demonic and destructive people look around the world and the terror and violence they are causing; there is no one to talk to.

    As long as you have Arabs living in Greater Israel, terror and violence will never stop. It is in their blood and in their culture. Just look around in the world and see how terror and violence is promoted in the Muslim countries and in the Muslim communities in Europe and elsewhere. They are killing each other by the tens of thousands. When is the world at large going to wake up and face the harsh reality? That terror and violence must be eliminated at all costs like a cancer or we are doomed to extinction. Death to all terrorists must be applied, no exception. When the Arabs Muslims; are teaching their children from infancy to commit terror and violence. There is no alternative but elimination of the terrorists and those who promote and incite the masses to commit terror and violence. The Arabs have an Arab/Palestinian state in Jordan which is over 80% Arab Palestinians. The territory of Jordan is Jewish territory.

    It is time for Israel to go in with the Army and start taking over Hebron, the second holiest city for Jews. Every terror attack another section of Hebron will be retaken by Israel the rightful owners. Since the 1920’s Hebron has and is a hotbed of terror. It is time to take some serious actions. Arab terror in Hebron against the Jews started in 1517.

    When you the Arabs teach and train your children to hate and commit terror and violence. There is no one to talk to. The only solution is to expel all the Arabs to Jordan which is Jewish territory or to the homes and 75.000 sq. mi. of territory the Arab countries confiscated when they terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families from the Arab countries. Jews who have lived in those Arab countries for over 2500 years and now live in Israel. The Arabs do not belong in Israel. The past has shown that they know only terror and violence. They are killing their own people by the thousands. The Arabs/Muslims killed the Jews in Medina about 1400 years ago, which was a Jewish city going back over 2600 years and took over the city. To date nothing has changed. They want to take over the whole world. Look at what they doing in Syria, Europe and Sweden raping women.
    Yj Draiman
