Friday, July 24, 2015

Greater Israel belongs to the Jewish people under International Law! - YJ Draiman

Greater Israel belongs to the Jewish people under International Law!
The Jewish People’s historical right to the land of Greater Israel had been recognized by the international community and upheld by the rule of public international law. Greater Israel was and is the homeland of the Jewish people. In the past 3,500 plus years it has not been the homeland of any other people. Although is was occupied by various conquerors who destroyed the land and made it desolate and barren. When the Jewish people returned in greater numbers the land blossomed, turned green and fruitful.
Any view that contradicts this statement is pure distortion of the facts and history.
Israel is not obliged to support the creation of an Arab state west of the Jordan river alongside Israel and it must not concede to any such arrangement or the security and survival of Israel will be compromised.
The Oslo Agreements (which is now null and void) were made with a view to enhance “a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.” Yet, since their coming into effect the
Middle East has witnessed not peace but more violence of the worst kind in recent history. As of today the Oslo agreement is null and void. The Arab Palestinians have not lived up to any of the agreement. The Arab Palestinians promote, preach and teach their children and the masses to create terror, violence and suicide bombing. Their only goal is the destruction of the Jewish State, read the Palestinian and Hamas Charter.
The establishment of the Palestinian Authority should serve as a “guide to the bewildered” of the grave risks posed by such an
Arab State, which may eventually lead to the destruction of the Jewish State. Any land for peace compromise by Israel has made the situation worse. Sadly, appeasement and concessions by Israel only aggravated the situation and increased violence. Israel must stand its ground, resist unjust world pressure and protect its citizens at all costs. Any concessions by Israel will only make the situation worse and bring about more violence and death, as the past experience has proven. The Summer of 2014 Gaza war only reaffirms the conviction that Israel must not under any circumstances concede any territory to the Arabs.
Under public international law,
Israel is entitled to diligently encourage and promote close Jewish settlement of the land of Israel, thereby realizing the principles set out by the San Remo Treaty of 1920 and the League of Nations in the original Mandate document. In 1922 in violation of the treaty, the British gave away 80% of the land allocated to the Jewish people and gave it to the Arabs to set-up a state that never existed in history. (The British wanted to protect their oil interests). After WWI, The Allied powers set up 21 Arab states and one Jewish state in the Mandate for Palestine at the San Remo Treaty of 1920. There was no allocation of the Mandate for Palestine to any other people or nation, only the Jewish people.
In addition at that time, the Allied powers also allocated land for 21
Arab States and one Jewish State. If you questions Israel’s borders, you must question the 21 Arab States borders and Jordan. Therefore, you are not modifying any of the 21 Arab states and Jordan’s territory, you cannot modify Israel’s territory either. Only Israel via a treaty signed and executed by both parties with its neighbors can change the terms of the San Remo Treaty of 1920 confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.

It is also important to address the expulsion of over a million Jewish families from the Arab countries and the confiscation of assets, businesses, homes and land owned by Jewish people in the Arab countries, totaling over 120,440 sq. km. (5 - 6 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars.
The Jewish people resettled the million Jewish refugees from the Arab countries. It is about time the Arab countries who expelled the million Jewish people and confiscated their assets and land, must settle the Arab-Palestinian refugees once and for all without compromising
Israel and bring about peace and tranquility to the region.
Neither the U.N. nor any Country in the world has the authority to create a state or dissolve a state, (check the U.N. charter and international law.)
A true peace will bring about an economic boom to the region of which the world has never seen before. It will raise the standard of living for all the people in the
Middle East and accelerate peace and harmony.
It will also divert the billions of dollars invested in war materials to be used to advance the economy, medical and social services and more.
YJ Draiman


  1. Mahmoud Abbas is proud of his role in the Munich Massacre.
    Palestinian President Abbas: Paymaster of 1972 Munich Massacre Terrorists
    Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas financed the Abu Daoud/Black September terror call to murder 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972. Read the reports, then decide.
    What a delusion and irony – Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen the murdering terrorist of innocent civilians and creator of fiction and delusion.
    Arab-Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas financed the Abu Daoud/Black September terror cell to murder 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972. He has a warrant for his arrest in Germany and a murder conviction in Italy with life in prison for the hijacking a cruise ship and killing an wheel-bound elderly man. . Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen the head of the Arab-Palestinian Authority is also the master mind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, on 11 October 1985 they thru a wheelchair bound Jew in to the ocean to die. There is a reward on his head by the United States and Germany. This is the person you want to make peace with – how delusional can people be.
    Former PLO official Muhammad Daoud Oddeh published in France in 1999, Abu Mazen was involved in the hostage takeover at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, which led to the death of 11 Israeli athletes.
    Oddeh, known as Abu Daoud, wrote that he was the mastermind of Munich, which was carried out by the so-called Black September organization. He recalled that the plan was concocted in Rome at a meeting he held with senior PLO official Salah Khalaf, better known as Abu Iyad, and another colleague. Soon after, Abu Daoud began planning the operation. The only people he dealt with on the matter were Abu Iyad and Abu Mazen, who, Abu Iyad said, was to secure the funding.
    It was the “real” Black September, set up by Abu Iyad, Abu Daoud, and Abu Mazen as a tributary to Fattah, that was responsible for Munich.
    YJ Draiman

  2. Mahmoud Abbas the convicted terrorist
    Abu Mazen. Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen). The leader of the Arab PA, was born in 1935. He was one of the founding members of the ‘Fattah’ and one of the senior-most members of the Arab/Palestinian front. Abbas is also the leader of the Arab Palestinian Authority. He is also the mastermind financier of the Munich Olympic massacre and the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro his men had killed the wheel chair bound Klinghoffer, they pushed him overboard. There is a criminal conviction against Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen) with life in prison; he is an escaped convict with multiple murders. (There was also a reward for his capture by the German and U.S. authorities).
    Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen has been a part of the Fattah leadership and has helped formulate and finance all of the terror tactics devised by this group and now exported to Islamic terror organizations around the world. These tactics include assassination, plane hijacking, car bombs, and homicide bombers, child soldiers used both in Lebanon and Israel, and hate education. Now, Israeli and Western movers and shakers have been inclined to sacrifice and overlook his 50-year terrorist track record on the altar of delusion and wishful thinking, which has sanctified Oslo and its offshoots (the Hebron and Wye Accords, the Road Map and the Disengagement Plan). A U.S. colloquialism states: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Abu Mazen aka Mahmoud Abbas and his colleagues have fooled Israel and the U.S. and others since 1993. Are Israel and the world going to be fooled once again? Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen declared at his U.N speech in the summer of 2015 that he will not abide by the Terms of the Oslo Accord; therefore, The Oslo Accord is null and void. Israel can now retake full control and sovereignty over Judea and Samaria aka The West Bank.
    Abbas incites and promotes terror and violence; he supports suicide bombers and educates the children to hate and violence. Abbas and his people are also stealing hundreds of millions of dollars designated to help the impoverished Arab/Palestinian masses.
    YJ Draiman

  3. Mahmoud Abbas the convicted terrorist
    Abu Mazen. Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen). The leader of the Arab PA, was born in 1935. He was one of the founding members of the ‘Fattah’ and one of the senior-most members of the Arab/Palestinian front. Abbas is also the leader of the Arab Palestinian Authority. He is also the mastermind financier of the Munich Olympic massacre and the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro his men had killed the wheel chair bound Klinghoffer, they pushed him overboard. There is a criminal conviction against Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen) with life in prison; he is an escaped convict with multiple murders. (There was also a reward for his capture by the German and U.S. authorities).
    Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen has been a part of the Fattah leadership and has helped formulate and finance all of the terror tactics devised by this group and now exported to Islamic terror organizations around the world. These tactics include assassination, plane hijacking, car bombs, and homicide bombers, child soldiers used both in Lebanon and Israel, and hate education. Now, Israeli and Western movers and shakers have been inclined to sacrifice and overlook his 50-year terrorist track record on the altar of delusion and wishful thinking, which has sanctified Oslo and its offshoots (the Hebron and Wye Accords, the Road Map and the Disengagement Plan). A U.S. colloquialism states: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Abu Mazen aka Mahmoud Abbas and his colleagues have fooled Israel and the U.S. and others since 1993. Are Israel and the world going to be fooled once again? Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen declared at his U.N speech in the summer of 2015 that he will not abide by the Terms of the Oslo Accord; therefore, The Oslo Accord is null and void. Israel can now retake full control and sovereignty over Judea and Samaria aka The West Bank.
    Abbas incites and promotes terror and violence; he supports suicide bombers and educates the children to hate and violence. Abbas and his people are also stealing hundreds of millions of dollars designated to help the impoverished Arab/Palestinian masses.
    YJ Draiman
