Friday, July 24, 2015

The failure to correctly argue against the false claim of ‘occupied’ has led to enormous damage being done to Israel - YJ Draiman

The failure to correctly argue against the false claim of ‘occupied’ has led to enormous damage being done to Israel. The word ‘occupied’ by itself tells a story that is very negative to Israel. It is a story that we have been trying to counter by the use of many words in long winded explanations, when and where the situation allows, and most people can’t be bothered to listen.
The Arabs understand the power of the word ‘occupied’ as witnessed by their immediate massive and unified response to the Australian Government’s announcement that they would not use the word ‘occupied’ because it was prejudicial when negotiations are ongoing.
I believe that it is not too late to succinctly argue the correct situation by using the word ‘liberated’ i.e. ‘liberated
East Jerusalem’, and ‘liberated Territories’. These areas were not ‘occupied’ by Israel in 1967, Israel liberated them from Jordanian occupation. Jordan occupied these areas when it launched an unprovoked war against Israel on the day of its birth in 1948.
After more than four decades of propaganda stating the opposite, the correct version of the situation needs some explanation, and so a quick review of the history is in order.
On the
14 May 1948 with Britain’s Mandate over Palestine about to end at midnight, the Jews of Palestine declared that Israel would come into existence at one minute past midnight. Remember that Britain had been entrusted by the League of Nations to administer the Mandate which was for the purpose of “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”. The terms of the Mandate were never altered by the League of Nations nor by the United Nations after it assumed the responsibilities of the League of Nations. When Britain ended its administration of the Mandate and the Jews announced the subsequent formation of a Jewish State, the purpose of the Mandate was fulfilled.
Palestine, were four Arab States with established borders. At dawn on 15 May, just hours after Israel came into existence, all the neighboring Arab States’ armies crossed their respective borders and launched unprovoked attacks on the new-born State. The Jordanian army crossed its border and occupied large parts of the newly created Israel including East Jerusalem. The fledgling Israel was not strong enough to expel the invaders and in 1949 armistice agreements were signed halting the ongoing fighting.
The expiry of the Mandate and the creation of
Israel did not impact the borders of any neighbor, their borders did not change. When Jordan invaded Israel in an unprovoked attack at dawn on the 15th May, they captured and occupied territory that was not theirs. To whom did the territory belong? They belonged to the only State that existed beyond their borders at that time, Israel. Nearly a year after its unprovoked attack and invasion, an Armistice agreement with Jordan was reached. The cease fire lines were designated as the Armistice Demarcation Lines in the Armistice Agreement. “The basic purpose of the Armistice Demarcation Lines is to delineate the lines beyond which the armed forces of the respective Parties shall not move.” (Article IV(2) of the Agreement).
The territory Jordan conquered remained under Jordanian control until 1967 when it again launched an unprovoked attack on Israel. This time however Israel was not only strong enough to repel the attack but it was strong enough to expel the Jordanians from all the territory they had previously conquered and thus Israel was able to liberate all the previously occupied territories including East Jerusalem.
These territories that
Israel liberated from Jordanian occupation in 1967 are what the Arab nations, and after four and a half decades of propaganda, the whole world, calls ‘occupied territories’. They are in fact liberated territories.
East Jerusalem was not ‘occupied’ by Israel in 1967 any more than Paris was ‘occupied’ by the French and the allies in the 2nd world war. Both Paris and Jerusalem were liberated from enemy occupation. Israel liberated East Jerusalem from Jordanian occupation in the same way the allies liberated Paris from German occupation. Israel was not in control of East Jerusalem prior to 1967 because Jordan launched an unprovoked attack on Israel (with the stated aim of wiping Israel off the map) and at that stage was stronger than Israel.
‘Liberated’ is another story in a word, and it is the story of what actually happened, not a lie.
When in 1967
Israel ejected the Jordanians from the territories they had occupied for 19 years, both it and its supporters failed to continually refer to the newly liberated territories as ‘liberated’. This has aided the Arabs in setting the narrative agenda.
I suggest therefore that where appropriate whenever the words East Jerusalem and ‘Territories’ are used, we should use the adjective ‘liberated’ to describe them. With the use of this one little word, hopefully we can retell the story of what happened as it really happened. We can help correct the lies and deceptions of the false narrative.
We are trying to correct the record more than four and a half decades late, after more than four and a half decades of propaganda, but perhaps if enough people use the word ‘liberate’ often enough it will somewhat neutralize the current narrative. It is only a little thing but let us hope it is not too little too late.

“We are tired of hearing anything from anyone associated with the U.N. The U.N. is a parasitic and criminal enterprise dominated by our mortal enemies. The U.N. cannot create states, it can only recommend and so can other nations only recommend and not create a state that never existed before in history.” Israel was reinstituted in its historical land and other Arab State were legally assigned their territory under International treaties and laws agreed to by the Allied powers after WW1 after the Ottoman Empire ceded its ownership to the Allied powers.

There is nothing to negotiate or talk about. Any Arab-Palestinian that does not want to live under
Israel's government and obey the laws must transfer to Jordan or to the 75,000 sq, miles, the land the Arab countries confiscated from the million persecuted and expelled Jewish families. Negotiations are over, there is nothing to negotiate, the Arabs who live in Israel must comply and adhere to the laws of Israel or leave the country permanently.

Judea and Samaria is Jewish territory - No annexation is required for Greater Israel territory..
Let me pose an interesting scenario. If you had a country and it was conquered by foreign powers over a period of time. After many years you have taken back you country and land in various defensive wars. Do you have to officially annex those territories. It was always your territory and by retaking control and possession of your territory it is again your original property and there is no need to annex it. The title to your property is valid today as it was many years before.
Annexation only applies when you are taking over territory that was never yours to begin with, just like some European countries annexed territories of other countries.


  1. Here is some information that you need to know about the Arab/Palestinians.
    There never has been, there is not now and there never will be a country called “Palestine.”
    The Arab/Palestinians/Moslems squatting on Jewish land in and around Israel are overwhelmingly either descendants of invaders, illegal immigrants or trespassers.
    The term “Palestinian” was popularized after the Six Day War in ’67 in an attempt to delegitimize Israel.
    There are already 21 Arab/Moslem dominated countries spread out over a few millions square miles of territory, including most of Jordan which was part of the Jewish allocated land under the League of Nations in 1922. It also stated that the Jewish people are to set up their own government and none other. The Arabs also ejected close to a million Jewish people from their countries and confiscated their homes and assets, about a third of the Jewish people died while leaving the Arab countries.
    The Arab/Moslems are not interested in creating a 22nd Arab controlled country.
    Their only desire is to annihilate the one and only Jewish state.
    “And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel “Dwell securely in the land (of … (Holy Quran 17:104).
    (Surah Al-Ma’ida, verse 21), and the other (Surah Al-Shara’a, verse 59) says that the land was bequeathed to the Jews.
    Under International Law and Treaties – An Arab/Palestinian State cannot be established in Israel on Jewish land allocated to the Jewish people under the San Remo agreement of 1922 and ratified by the League of Nations and signed by 51 member states.
    Jordan is the Palestinian State – The land originally allocated to the Jewish people,

  2. It is time to evict all Arab who create violence, riot and attack Jews.
    A Jewish person and any other person in Jerusalem and the rest of Greater Israel has the right to live and walk in his own country in peace and tranquility without fear or intimidation.
    I suggest a massive demonstration by Israelis, demanding the government to restore peace without fear or intimidation at all costs. Ignore world opinion and the Media, they will criticize and defame Israel no matter what.
    Eventually the world at large respects a government that protects its people.
    According to International Law All Jews have the right to live in any area of the original 1920 Mandate for Palestine and its adoption in perpetuity by the League of Nations.
    It is interesting to note that the World at large is not questioning the State of Jordan and its territory, which was taken from the allocation to Jewish land. Jordan a State that has never existed in history prior to WW1. But Israel that has existed on its land for over 3500 years which included The land Jordan occupies, they are questioning Israel’s land. They do not mention that The Arabs ejected a million Jewish people and confiscated their homes and assets and that about 600,000 of them were settled in Israel’s LIBERATED TERRITORY.
    Arabs are the occupiers, they have 21 Arab States that were granted to them after WW1 by the same powers that granted the State of Israel.
    There is no other term for Jewish villages and towns in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem than Liberated Territories.
    To negate any claim of Arab ownership of the land, Read and study the Ottoman empire land title. It states that approximately 98% of the land was owned by the government, some of it was leased to the Arab population as sharecroppers, not owners.
    The balance 2% was owned by Arab land barons who sold the land at premium prices to the Jews.
    Here is the incredible testimony of The Mufti of Jerusalem on January 12, 1937 when he documents in testimony for the British Peel Commission that the Jews did not steal land from the Arab Palestinians but by the year of 1920, the time of the “Occupation” meaning the British Palestine Mandate, the Jewish people had already purchased 1,500,000 dunams of land in the Land of Israel which is 375,000 acres.
    The Mufti also testified that the land was not bought by “forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition of land”. That kind of ruling behavior was the action of the Ottoman rulers and not the Jews. Also the Mufti admitted that any evictions done were by absentee landlords who chose to sell “land over the heads of their tenants, who then were forcibly evicted”, and that the majority of these tenants were not Palestinians but Lebanese.
    It is a common practice by the Muslims to obfuscate, distort, outright fabrication and misrepresent facts to their benefit, it is even permitted under their religion, in order to accomplish their goals.

  3. The only way to respond to consistent terror is by utilizing security forces with no restrictions whatsoever, with no letup, The Hague and Geneva convention do not apply to terrorists and their supporters, The terrorists armed insurrection and attacking innocent civilians, those rules apply only to military confrontation with a legitimate state and government. The security forces must be authorized to use lethal force and termination of the terrorists with extreme prejudice.
    One of the most fundamental responsibilities of any legitimate government is to safeguard the safety and security of its people. But, this is not what’s happening in Israel. When mass rioting and violence break out, containing it might be okay as a first step but it clearly will not get to the root cause of the problem. In order for that to happen it will require a coordinated effort between local, regional, and national security agencies with no restrictions in applying its apparatus, and those responsible for causing the anarchy must be made to account for their actions in whatever way that is commensurate with their level of involvement. I do find it disturbing that the Israeli government is so disengaged with this problem. It is time to ignore world opinion and defend The people of Israel with extreme prejudice. I hope more decisive and aggressive action is taken so the people of Israel can live their lives in peace without fear and I hope the Israeli government will implement these actions immediately and make this happen.
    Those politicians whom are “calling for” drastic steps, and not TAKING drastic steps now, should be all be fired! No self respecting nation would tolerate these atrocities on their citizens.
    Revoking citizenship and confiscating assets should apply to terrorists their accomplices and those who commit violence and stone throwing.

  4. Judea, Samaria, and Gaza were indeed “occupied territories” for 19 years from the time of the invasion by foreign Arab armies until liberation in 1967. The occupation was marked by genocidal ethnic cleansing of Jews, theft of Jewish community property, and Arab/Islamic religious apartheid. It also saw the building of illegal Arab settlements on land they didn’t own or have legal sovereignty. Indeed, the occupation ended in 1967.
